Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Big Question

Given current trends, how will technology continue to develop and influence global citizens over the next thirty years?


  1. Great question-- glad I mentioned, that's definitely a site to consider. University studies and authors like Howard Rheingold and Jarod Lanier are also good sources for information on technology trends. How do you intend to proceed?

  2. I really like this question. What made you think of it? What do you see happening in the next 30 years?

  3. This is a really good question. What are you planning on researching in order to find some answers?

  4. This question may be very easy since we have been talking and developing ideas on this topic. It was a great choice from your part.

  5. I think that the way our English class is heading with technology is a great starting point to finding this answer. If we are doing this much with technology this year imagine in 30 years!
