Wednesday, April 18, 2012

MacBeth Lecture Notes


  • highly accomplished at the beginning (Ex. Becoming king in Act III)
  • loses accomplishment by the end (Ex. losing the throne)
*Indirect characterization: 

  • battlefields
  • actions
--------->Scene from the porter<---------

-Most compelling character (Macbeth). Tragic Play!
  • Esteem of nobles, loving wife, roll of conquest among battle (beginning)
  • Macbeth ends up alone, dead wife, no one likes him (end of play)
-The architect of his own destruction.
  • He destroys himself while trying to cope with issues.
*Why kill Duncan?
--------> How do you know when you succeeded? MacBeth does not know. (ambitious character flaw)

*Important Lines: Lines 25-28, 48-49 Act I Scene 7

-He is evil! only thinks of the surface impression and not why.
-Witches at beginning of the play were probably clues of what they expected to happen.
-Not a hypocrite!
  • But in these cases we still have judgement here.
-Lady MacBeth is evil the whole time!
  • animus/anima (May be more masculine than feminine... way of thinking)
-Kills Duncan with his own desire.
  • Sees the dagger because of horror----> pulling him towards the murder against his will.
-MacBeth determination: Knows consequences but still does it.
-Lady MacBeth cannot deal and that's what causes her to destroy herself.
  • fainting spell
  • fretting
  • sleepwalking
  • commits suicide
-At beginning MacBeth and Lady MacBeth plan together but later MacBeth is left on his own.

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